Series date: 
01/01/2022 - 8:30am EST to 12/31/2022 - 12:45pm EST

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT): The Basics will provide attendees with the tools needed to be able to engage clients in this evidenced-based therapy. The components of TF-CBT will be discussed at length and case studies will be used to further explain how the model works with youth and families and how to address common barriers and issues that arise.


Accreditation Statement
In support of improving patient care, Baystate Health is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. 


This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team.


Refer to individual sessions for target audience and maximum credit offered.

Series location: 
Baystate Medical Center
759 Chestnut Street
Springfield, MA 01199
United States


Sessionsort descending Date
2022 Trauma Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT): The Basics 09/19/2022 - 8:30am EDT to 09/21/2022 - 12:30pm EDT
2022 Trauma Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT): The Basics 11/17/2022 - 8:30am EST to 11/18/2022 - 4:30pm EST
Session Title 09/26/2022 - 8:30am EDT to 09/28/2022 - 12:45pm EDT