After participating in this educational activity, attendees should be able to:
1. Review the technique and applications and indications of Radial access for non-coronary patients in Intervention Radiology. Presenting a review article, discussing Barbeau test showing ultrasonography images of a good candidate for radial access.
2. Discuss practical aspects of Radial access for IR techs and nurses. Review prep and setting the Flouro unit for radial access, the cocktail medications (Heparin, Verapamil, and nitro) for the IR nurss, radial access sheaths and catheters for IR physicians.
3. Interesting Radial access cases and technical challenges. Review a few interesting cases and technical challenges that may be countered during radial access.
Njogu K. Njuguna, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate
Baystate Medical Center
None of the members of the faculty and planning committee for this educational event have commercial relationships with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods and services consumed by or used on patients.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 ANCC Contact Hours
- 1.00 BCIPE Instructional Hours