After participating in this educational activity, attendees should be able to:
1. Describe the roles of the members of the healthcare team in their respective responsibilities for quality care.
2. Define and link the sensitive periods of development to opportunities for intervention.
3. Identify resources with tools for screening for autism and other early childhood risks ject.
4. Describe the best practices for Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in schools.
5. Discuss the role of health providers and school personnel in supporting the treatment and re-entry of students with substance use disorders.
6. Review the epidemiology of alcohol and substance use in middle and high school students.
7. Define examples of effective interactions between health providers and special educators.
8. Outline the history and principles that are the foundation of special education legislation and regulations.
Afternoon Workshop Objectives
2:00 -3:00 pm
Workshop A
1. Describe Department of Public Health/School Health Unit wealth of resources as well as pertinent regulations governing the health of children in schools.
2. Describe school nurse and school health physician collaboration and strategies for success in the care of all children, including return to school, medication administration, Epi-pens, and more.
3. Explain immunization update review.
4. Identify the Department of Public Health/School Health Unit wealth of resources as well as pertinent regulations governing the health of children in schools.
5. Review concussion regulations and "return to play" requirements.
Workshop B
1. Discuss the potential for maximizing underutilized expertise in existing school staff, particularly school nurses, through increased collaboration.
2. List three services a consultant can offer to increase the effectiveness of existing school staff in the promotion of mental health in schools as well as the management of psychiatric or behavioral problems.
Workshop C
1. Identify challenges that can impact immigrant children’s educational achievements.
2. Identify community resources beyond the school and the pediatric practice that can assist students and their families in addressing their challenges.
3. Identify signs and symptoms of stress that can impede classroom success.
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Workshop D
1. Identify health disparities to improve health of transgender youth.
2. Identify resources to connect youth and families to community-based resources.
3. Identify school-based LGBTQ issues that affect their medical and mental health (drop-out rates, bullying).
Workshop E
1. Define how social media use is related to bullying and cyberbullying.
2. Identify how to work with parents and schools to minimize bullying and cyberbullying.
3. Identify the emotional impact of bullying versus fighting and other types of peer cruelty.
Workshop F
1. Describe Department of Public Health/School Health Unit wealth of resources as well as pertinent regulations governing the health of children in schools.
2. Describe school nurse and school health physician collaboration and strategies for success in the care of all children, including return to school, medication administration, Epi-pens, and more.
3. Explain immunization update review.
4. Identify the Department of Public Health/School Health Unit wealth of resources as well as pertinent regulations governing the health of children in schools.
5. Review concussion regulations and "return to play" requirements.
Nicholas Chadi, MD*
Pediatric Addiction Medicine Fellow
Harvard Medical School
Adolescent Substance Use and Addiction Program
Boston Children's Hospital
Lisa Dobberteen, MD*
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Cambridge Health Alliance
Elizabeth Englander, PhD*
Professor of Psychology
Bridgewater State University
Massachusetts Aggression Reduction
Valerie Frias, BA, JD
Greater Boston PLAG
Lara Jirmanus, MD, MPH*
Clinical Instructor
Harvard Medical School
Primary Care Physician
Cambridge Health Alliance
Julia Koehler, MD*
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Associate in Medicine
Boston Childen's Hospital
Julie Love, MSN*
McLean School Nurse Liaison
Mclean Hospital
Richard Moriarty, MD*
Professor, Pediatrics
Universiy of Massachusetts Medical Center
Judith Palfrey, MD*
Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Boston Children's Hospital
Michael Posner, MD*
School Physician
Paulo Freire Charter School
Leonbard Rappaport MD, MS
Mary Deming Scott Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Cheif, Division of Developmental Medicine
Boston Children's Hospital
Karen Sadler, MD*
Clinical Instructor
Harvard Medical School
Judith Styer, BSN, RN, BA, NCSN*
Director of Health and Wellness
Framingham Public Schools
Aubry Threlkeld, Ed.D*
Assistant Professor of Education
Endicott College
Boston Children's Hospital
Ivys Fernandez-Pastrana, JD*
Program Manager
Tracy Rose Tynes, BSN, RN*
*None of the members of the faculty and planning committee for this educational event have commercial relationships with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods and services consumed by or used on patients.
Valerie Frias receives fees for the following companies: Biogen, BMC, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Pilgrim Health, Mattapan Health Center, McClean Hospital, Pfizer, Therapeutic Mentors, Tufts Medical Center, Vertex
Dr. Rappaport is a consultant for Scientific Advisory Baord - Q-State, Cambridge Ma. and his spouse is a stock shareholder of TPR Media.
- 4.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 4.50 ANCC Contact Hours
- 4.50 BCIPE Instructional Hours