We are reaching out to you because in 2020 and/or 2021, you met with Angela Sweeney, BERST Curriculum Design Specialist and a member of the CE team for a co-consult to assist in completing your application(s) for credit. Your input is valuable to us. Please take a moment to answer the questions below. 1.Did you find these consults beneficial in your planning process and in completing the application for credit? Yes Somewhat No If yes or Somewhat, please share your experience and how it was beneficial to you If you answered No, please share your experience and how it could be more beneficial 2.Would you like the opportunity to meet with Angela and a member of the CE team to go over your application for all your educational activities before submitting ? Yes Maybe No 3.How confident are you in your ability to collect data on outcomes from your program(s) as a result of attending the consult(s)? Very Confident Confident Somewhat Confident Not Confident at all 4.What could we offer to help improve your confidence? 5.Are you interested in attending professional development on topics such as educational planning and measuring outcomes? Yes Maybe No 6.How likely are you to attend an Ethos user group meeting in which the topics of educational planning and outcomes measurement are addressed? Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not at all Likely 7.What other topics would you be interested in learning through our Ethos user group and/or professional development sessions? 8.What else would you like to share with us regarding these consults? Leave this field blank