Geri-Pal TLC Immersion Course 2022 (2 Day Course)

October 14, 2022

Date & Location:

2 Day Virtual Conference - will receive credits at the end of Day 2

Thursday, October 13, 2022
 8:00 am - 4:15 pm

Friday, October 14, 2022
8:00 am - 11:40 am


The overall goal of the Geri-Pal TLC Immersion course is to foster collaboration among inter-professional teams in the management of complex older patients thereby providing the highest standard of geriatrics and palliative care.

Provided by:

The Baystate Health GWEP and Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education

Target Audience

This course is designed for an inter-professional audience including but not limited to:  physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, medical assistants, community health workers, administrators, case managers, clinical supervisors, medical directors, quality specialists, senior leaders, and those working in the community with older adults.

Learning Objectives



  • Dementia: Recognize signs of dementia; Define diagnosis criteria for dementia; Discuss dementia diagnosis with individual and family.
  • Depression: Identify atypical signs and symptoms of depression; Use depression screening tests such as Geriatric Depression Scale and PHQ-9; Describe treatment for depression.
  • Drugs & Deprescribing: Identify polypharmacy; Memorize some common inappropriate medication from Beer’s List; Give examples of common drug to drug interaction; Perform appropriate deprescribing.
  • Falls: Perform screening such as Get Up and Go Test; Describe ways to reduce rate of falls.
  • Multimorbidities/Frailty: Review local data; Describe AGS’s approach to care; Review Frailty tool such as Edmonton Frail scale.
  • Community resources: Discuss community resources for elderly such as Greater Springfield Senior Services, Alzheimer Association; Describe community activities such as day center, home help aids, meals on wheels.
  • Prognostication: Identify clinician limitation in prognostication; Perform ECOG and Palliative Performance scale; Identify signs and symptoms of poor prognosis.
  • Serious Illness Conversation: Describe tools to initiate serious illness conversation; Develop own phrase to initiate serious illness conversation.
  • Palliative care and Hospice care: Define palliative care and hospice care; Review hospice admission eligibility.
  • Symptom Management: Review common symptoms at end of life; Approach to pain, dyspnea and delirium; Describe concept of Total Pain; Discuss non pharmacological approach to pain
  • Capacity: Describe how to determine decision-making capacity in older adults.
  • Age Friendly Health Systems (AFHS): Describe AFHS; Identify and explain the 4Ms.
  • Quality Improvement 101, PDSA and Practice Drill & Applying QI Tools: Recognize common quality improvement tools; perform a practice PDSA cycle, identify current QI Projects at Baystate Health.
  • TeleECHO & project planning: Explain the concept of force multiplier; Identify small tests of change that can be made to improve care for older adults at your site.


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 9.50 AAPA Category 1 CME credit
    Baystate Health has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 9.50 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PA’s should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.
  • 9.50 ACPE Contact Hours
  • 9.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 9.50 ANCC Contact Hours
  • 9.50 ASWB Continuing Education Credit(s)
  • 9.50 BCIPE End of Life Care
  • 9.50 IPCE Credit Hour(s)
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
10/14/2022 - 8:00am EDT
Event ends: 
10/14/2022 - 4:15pm EDT


8:00     Welcome

8:05     Into to Age Friendly Framework (4Ms)
              Maura Brennan, MD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC

8:30     Case Discussion Part 1 

9:10     Dementia
              Simone Masson, NP
              Izckra Speight, CHW, CDP         

9:35     Depression
              Zelmon Johnson, LCSW, CDP
              Deepu Thoms, MD

9:50     Drugs & Deprescribing
              Christopher Merrick, PharmD, BCPS
              Alina Sibley, NP, CDP          

10:20   Break          

10:30   Case Discussion Part 2

11:00   Multimorbidity & Frailty
             Stephen Bonasera, MD
             Patricia Coffelt, MSN, RN-BC

11:30   Community Resources
             Anna Randall, BA
             Meghan Lemay, MS

11:45   Falls
             Dawna Pidgeon, PT
             Izckra Speight, CHW, CDP, CSA

12:00   Lunch

12:50   Case Discussion Part 3

1:25     Prognostication
Yael Tarshish, MD  

1:40     Serious Illness Conversation
              Richard Conroy, PA-C
              Zelmon Johnson, LCSW, CDP

1:55     Capacity
Maura Brennan, MD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC             

2:15     Break

2:25     Case Discussion Part 4

2:55    Palliative Care & Hospice
              Emily Zametkin, MD

3:10    Symptom Management
              Maura Brennan, MD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC
              Alina Sibley, NP, CDP

3:35    Ask the Experts Q&A

3:45    Participant Feedback

4:00    Post Test

4:15    Adjourn



8:00     Introduction to Baystate GWEP
              Maura Brennan, MD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC

8:20     Age Friendly Health Systems
              Amy Walsh, MSc           

8:45     Geriatrics TeleECHO Clinic
              Justin Ayala, MPH

9:00     Quality Improvement 101
              Christina Southey, MSc

9:45     Break

9:55     Into to PDSA's & Practice Drill
              Maura Brennan, MD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC

10:30    Applying QI Tools to a Project
              Sundeep Shukla, MD, MBA
              Jennifer Goebel, BSN, RN, GERO-BC
              Sara Friedman, NP

11:00     Geriatrics TeleECHO Project Brainstorm
              Maura Brennan, MD, FACP, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC

11:30     Participant Feedback

11:40     Adjourn


Faculty Disclosure

The design and content of Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education (CE) activities support quality improvement in healthcare and provide fair and balanced views of therapeutic options. Any relevant financial relationships are mitigated prior to the educational activity.

None of the faculty or planners  for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. 





United States

Meeting Room temperatures will fluctuate. 

Course Director
Maura Brennan, MD, FACP,  AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC*
Professor of Medicine
Tufts University School of Medicine; UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Project Director Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Director Geriatrics Fellowship
Baystate Medical Center

Justin Ayala, MPH*
Instructor, Department of Medicine
UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Practice Manager, Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Baystate Health

Stephen Bonasera, MD, PhD*
Division Chief, Geriatrics and Palliative Care
UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Physician, Educator, Investigator
Baystate Health

Patricia Coffelt, MSN, RN-BC*
Nurse Educator
Baystate Health

Richard Conroy, PA-C*
Inpatient Geriatric Consult Service
Baystate Medical Center

Sara Friedman, NP*
Primary Care Provider
Serenity Care PACE

Jennifer Goebel, RN, BSN*
Baystate Health

Zelmon Johnson, LCSW, CDP*
Social Worker
Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Baystate Health

Meghan Lemay, MS*
Regional Manager, Western MA
Alzheimer's Association

Simone Masson, MS, GNP*
Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
Division of Geriatrics
Baystate Health 

Christopher Merrick, PharmD, BCPS*
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist - Geriatrics
Baystate Health

Dawna Pidgeon, PT (BS, PT)*
Falls Prevention Team Lead
Dartmouth Centers for Health and Aging

Anna Randall, BA
Community Services Director
Greater Springfield Senior Services Inc.

Sundeep Shukla, MD, MBA, FACEP*
Assistant Professor
UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Chief of Emergency Medicine/Attending Physician
Baystate Medical Center/Baystate Noble Hospital

Alina Sibley, APRN*
Lead NP Home Care Program
Baystate Health

Christina Southey, MSc*
Improvement Advisor
Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Izckra Speight, CHW, CDP, CSA*
Community Health Worker
Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Baystate Health

Yael Tarshish, MD*
Assistant Professor
UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Medical Director of Palliative Care
Baystate Medical Center

Deepu Thomas, MD, FACP*
Geriatric Fellow
UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Baystate Health

Amy Walsh, M.Sc.*
Project Manager
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Emily Zametkin, MD*
Assistant Professor of Palliative Care
UMass Chan Medical School - Baystate
Baystate Health


Faculty Disclosure

The design and content of Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education (CE) activities support quality improvement in healthcare and provide fair and balanced views of therapeutic options. Any relevant financial relationships are mitigated prior to the educational activity.

Faculty and planners marked with an * for this educational activity have no relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. 

In support of improving patient care, Baystate Health is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.







Available Credit

  • 9.50 AAPA Category 1 CME credit
    Baystate Health has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 9.50 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PA’s should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.
  • 9.50 ACPE Contact Hours
  • 9.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 9.50 ANCC Contact Hours
  • 9.50 ASWB Continuing Education Credit(s)
  • 9.50 BCIPE End of Life Care
  • 9.50 IPCE Credit Hour(s)
Please login or register to take this course.


Please Note: In order for your registration to be considered complete:
  • Each participant must register themselves for the program.
In order to receive CREDIT, the evaluation must be completed by:Sat, 12/31/2022 - 11:30pm

We appreciate your business and sincerely wish to meet your educational needs.  We understand that the schedule of a busy professional, like yourself, is subject to change.  Therefore, we have included information about our refund/cancellation policies for your convenience below.

If you must cancel, telephone Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education at 413-322-4242 and follow your call with a written/email request.  All cancellations will incur a $25.00 fee.  Please note that we cannot refund cancellations received less than two weeks (10 business days) before the program date.

Specific Aids or Services:
Please call Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education at 413-322-4242 if, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you require specific aids or services during your visit to this continuing education program.